Friday, January 30, 2009

five, four, three, two, one...


Hear that? That's the sound of my mind exploding. Like that old school Eve and Gwen Stefani song "Let Me Blow Ya Mind." Only difference is that I don't have a cool ATV to roam around on like they did in that music video. I did go ATV-ing once in Kauai, HI. Remember when Ozzy Osbourne got into an ATV accident and it was on his reality show and he got seriously injured? Yeah well, that one time I went ATV-ing, I think I almost flew off my ATV. We were going through the tropical shrubs and stuff and there was a narrow dirt path and I didn't turn my ATV fast enough so the front wheels started going up the lip of the dirt path. This is like 30mph and I'm a novice ATV rider. So anyway, I felt my whole body lurch forward, like almost over the handlebars but I turned the steering column as fast as I could. For the rest of the trip, I watched the road and didn't accelerate as crazy on the turns. Damn, I could have ended up like Ozzy.

Anyway...I digress. My mind's exploding. I can't fathom stuff anymore. Talk about making the most of my last semester at Pepperdine. 3 months til graduation. Craaaaazy talk! I'm nervous. Scary economy. Gotta jump on that job hunt bandwagon along with all those unemployed Americans.

I'm kind of excited for the next 10 years of my life. For the first time I don't have a solid plan in action. Things will have to just go with the flow.

So it's the end of January and I still have yet to accomplish or at least, begin to accomplish any of the goals that I set for myself this year. I'm such a slacker.

Today I was in class and I was going through DeviantART looking for vector style artwork that can be used as wallpaper on my new computer. So anyway, I realized I had a DeviantART account that I made 5 years ago back in 2003 at the ripe young age of 16. It was kind of ridiculous to see my blog posts on that thing and see what my interests and worldview were like 5 short years ago. Blast from the past, man. I was so innocent and closed off...more like oblivious. I didn't know chicken salad from chicken shit.

I feel like doing something dangerous. I started a blog...dangerous enough? Stay tuned for more non-sequitur thoughts.

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